Deliberative Valuation without Prices: A Multiattribute Prioritization for Watershed Ecosystem Management


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Owner: CWPIntern

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Last Updated: 25-01-2023 8:56

Randhir & Shriver 2009_Deliberative Valuation Without Prices - A Multiattribute Prioritization for Watershed Ecosystem Management.pdf

Randhir, T., Shriver, D. M., , , , , , , , . 2009. Deliberative Valuation without Prices: A Multiattribute Prioritization for Watershed Ecosystem Management: Ecological Economics. Elsevier B.V., . 68, . 3042-3051

Analysis, Ecosystem, Management, Watershed, Cost estimation, Cost analysis, Prioritization, Decision-making, Framework

This article presents a framework for the prioritization of watershed restoration projects based on group preferences of watershed attributes indicated by the stakeholders within the watershed.