Cost and Pollutant Removal of Storm-water Treatment Practices


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Version: 1.0.1

Last Updated: 25-03-2016 15:15

Weiss, P., Gulliver,J., Erickson,A. 2007. Cost and Pollutant Removal of Storm-water Treatment Practices. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. ASCE, Minneapolis, MN. Volume 133, Number 3. Page 218.
BMP, construction, costs, maintenance, nutrients, sediment
Six storm-water best management practices (BMPs) for treating urban rainwater runoff were evaluated for cost and effectiveness in removing suspended sediments and total phosphorus. Construction and annual operating and maintenance cost data were collected and analyzed on existing BMP sites across the United States. Results show that, ignoring land costs, constructed wetlands have been the least expensive to construct and maintain if appropriate land is available. However, since wetlands typically require more land area to be effective, land acquisition costs may result in wetlands being significantly more expensive than other BMPs that require less area.

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