Control of Nitrogen Exports from River Basins to the Coastal Ocean: Evaluation of Basin Management Strategies for Reducing Coastal Hypoxia


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 27-11-2019 17:43

Lee et al. 2018_Control of Nitrogen Exports from River Basins to the Coastal Ocean - Evaluation of Basin Management Strategies for Reducing Coastal Hypoxia.pdf

Lee, M., Jung, C., Shevliakova, E., Malyshev, S., Han, H., Kim, S. 2018. Control of Nitrogen Exports from River Basins to the Coastal Ocean: Evaluation of Basin Management Strategies for Reducing Coastal Hypoxia. Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences. American Geophysical Union. 123. 3111-3123

Analysis, Assessment, Climate change, Coastal, Ecosystem, Eutrophication, Hydrology, Management, Modeling, Nitrogen, Nutrients, Rivers, Streams, Water quality, Watershed, Climate, Aquatic community, Aquatic ecosystems, Geomorphology, Decision-making, Tools, Hypoxia

This study utilized a model to simulated over a decade’s worth of riverine flows and nitrogen exports throughout South Korea’s entire hydrological drainage network. The model was used to evaluate the impacts of various ecosystem characteristics (i.e., climate, anthropogenic inputs, geomorphology, etc.) on riverine nitrogen exports from the system. The results of the model are intended to inform management decisions in order to mitigate the incidence of hypoxic conditions in coastal waters more effectively.

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