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Owner: Chris Swann
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 14-07-2020 18:39
DeLorme, D. E., Stephens, S. H., Hagen, S. C., Bilskie, M. V. Communicating with Coastal Decision-Makers and Environmental Educators via Sea Level Rise Decision-Support Tools. Journal of Science Communication. Volume 17, Number 03.
Analysis, Climate change, Education, Management, Planning, Sea level, Sea level rise, Climate, Workforce development, Socioeconomic, Communications, Outreach, Decision-making, Community engagement
This article discusses the necessity of long-term, effective pathway of communication between scientists and stakeholders. The article uses a case study of a sea level rise research project in the Gulf of Mexico to illustrate a dialogue-based process for the development of decision-support tools backed by science.