Characterization of Natural and Environmental Flows in New Brunswick, Canada. River Research and Applications


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 27-11-2019 18:19

El-Jabi & Caissie 2019_Characterization of Natural and Environmental Flows in New Brunswick Canada.pdf

El-Jabi, N., Caissie, D. 2019. Characterization of Natural and Environmental Flows in New Brunswick, Canada. River Research and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 35. 14-24

Analysis, Fresh water, Hydrology, Rivers, Streams, Streamflow, Watershed, Water supply, Seasonal patterns, Flow conditions

This study aimed to characterize and quantify the hydrodynamics and flow regime of rivers throughout New Brunswick (Canada). The results of the frequency and flow duration analyses show flow deficiencies under certain spatial and temporal conditions.

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