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Version: 1.0.1
Last Updated: 22-03-2016 19:09
Brooks, R. P., Wardrop, D. H., Thornton, K. W., Whigham, D., Hershner, C., Brinson, M. M. 2006. Integration of ecological and socioeconomic indicators for estuaries and watersheds of the Atlantic Slope. Final Report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency STAR Program, Agreement R-82868401. Atlantic Slope Consortium, University Park, PA.
Assessment, biological, chemistry, estuary, watershed, monitoring
This report presents a set of socio-economic and ecological indicators for coastal systems that are ecologically appropriate, economically reasonable, and relevant to society to further inject science into natural resources management decisions. The suite of indicators can contribute to integrated assessments of the health and sustainability of aquatic ecosystems in the region.