Bank Erosion of the Trstie Stream: BANCS Model Predictions vs. Real Bank Erosion


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 13-09-2019 17:51

Allmanova et al. 2019_Bank Erosion of the Trstie Stream - BANCS Model Predictions vs Real Bank Erosion.pdf

Allmanova, Z., Vlckova, M., Jankovsky, M., Jakubis, M., Allman, M. 2019. Bank Erosion of the Trstie Stream: BANCS Model Predictions vs. Real Bank Erosion. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics. 67. Pages 121-128

Erosion, Model, Sediment, Streams, Field assessment, Bank erosion

This study compared estimates of bank erosion of the Trstie stream (western Slovakia) using predictions of the BANCS model and using BEHI and NBS field assessments. The results were used to generate two erosion prediction curves for the stream.

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