Arsenic, Antimony, Mercury, and Water Temperature in Streams near Stibnite Mining Area, Central Idaho, 2011-17


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 27-11-2019 18:32

Baldwin & Etheridge 2019_Arsenic Antimony Mercury and Water Temperature in Streams near Stibnite Mining Area Central Idaho 2011-17.pdf

Baldwin, A. K., Etheridge, A. B. 2019. Arsenic, Antimony, Mercury, and Water Temperature in Streams near Stibnite Mining Area, Central Idaho, 2011-17. Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5072. U.S. Geological Survey.

Analysis, Baseflow, Heavy metals, Mercury, Monitoring, Streams, Streamflow, Water quality, Temperature, Mines

This study evaluated the water quality impairments from the mining industry (specifically of stibnite, tungsten, gold, silver, and mercury) along the East Fork of the South Fork Salmon River (EFSFSR) in central Idaho (U.S.). Using over 5 years of monitoring data collected along the EFSFSR, the concentrations of the studied metal contaminants were analyzed, and a baseline condition for the EFSFSR was determined.

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