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Last Updated: 25-03-2016 14:18
Berg, J., Spangenberg, N, Anderson, F., Fitch, E., Henrie, M., Jones, J. 2009. A New Paradigm for Water Resources Management. Water Resources Impact. American Water Resources Association, Middleburg, VA. Volume 11, Number 5. Page 1-32
conservation, Management, restoration, runoff
Stream valley morphologies generally appear as narrow, deep channels cutting through drier landscapes overloaded with thick deposits of sediment delivered by alluvial and colluvial processes, a result of forest clearing and agricultural production. Add to this situation the extra energy associated with stormwater runoff from developed areas, and our streams are eroding and transporting materials. This issue documents and addresses this situation and identifies ‘new’ or rediscovered approaches for more appropriate (and cost effective) water resource management.