90 Years of Forest Cover Change in an Urbanizing Watershed: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics


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Version: 1.0.1

Last Updated: 24-03-2016 18:22

Zhou, W., Huang, G., Pickett, S., Cadenasso, M. 2011. 90 years of forest cover change in an urbanizing watershed: spatial and temporal dynamics. Landscape Ecology. Springer, New York, NY. Volume 26, Number 5. Pages 645-659.
forest, impacts, Methods, policy, urban
Forest cover over 90 years was assessed in the Gwynns Falls watershed located in Baltimore, Maryland and the spatial and temporal patterns were quantified. Forest cover was more stable in urban areas than in urbanizing areas. Results point to a need to integrate multi-temporal data layers to analyze spatial patterns of forest cover and the variations within these patterns.

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