Agricultural BMP Handbook for Minnesota, 2nd Edition


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 18-10-2019 16:34

Lenhart et al. 2017_Agricultural BMP Handbook for Minnesota 2nd Edition.pdf

Lenhart, C., Gordon, B., Peterson, J., Eshenaur, W., Gifford, L., Utt, N. 2017. Agricultural BMP Handbook for Minnesota, 2nd Edition. Minnesota Department of Agriculture, St. Paul, MN.

Agriculture, Animal agriculture, Best management practice, Cover crops, Cropping systems, Farms, Fertilizer, Management, Pollutant reduction, Cost analysis, Cost-effectiveness, BMPs, Agricultural BMPs, Pollutant removal efficiency, Conservation tillage

This handbook provides the definition, effectiveness estimates, and cost considerations for all types of agricultural BMPs utilized in the state of Minnesota (U.S.).

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