NetMap: A New Tool in Support of Watershed Science and Resource Management


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Owner: Chris Swann

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Last Updated: 18-10-2019 18:47

Benda et al. 2007_NetMap - A New Tool in Support of Watershed Science and Resource Management.pdf

Benda, L., Miller, D., Andras, K., Bigelow, P., Reeves, G., Michael, D. 2007. NetMap: A New Tool in Support of Watershed Science and Resource Management. Forest Science. Society of American Foresters. Volume 53, Number 2. Pages 206-219

Analysis, Conservation, Forests, GIS, Management, Model, Monitoring, Watershed, Forestry, Mapping, Tools

This paper describes the NetMap tool, which is a suite of mathematical models and analysis tools that provides decision support for forest monitoring, regulation, conservation, and restoration.

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