Short-Term Effects of Cover Crops and Compaction on Soil Properties and Soybean Production in Illinois


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 18-10-2019 18:19

Acuna & Villamil 2014_Short-Term Effects of Cover Crops and Compaction on Soil Properties and Soybean Production in Illinois.pdf

Acuna, J.C.M, Villamil, M. B. 2014. Short-Term Effects of Cover Crops and Compaction on Soil Properties and Soybean Production in Illinois. Agronomy Journal. American Society of Agronomy. Volume. 106, Number 3. Pages 860-870

Agriculture, Cover crops, Cropping systems, Farms, Nitrogen, Nutrients, Soils, Soybeans, Agricultural BMPs

This study evaluated the impacts of a variety of different cover crop mixtures on soil properties and soybean growth/yield in conventional cropping systems. The cover cropped plots had significantly lower soil nitrate than the control plots with no cover crops, but there was no other significant impact on soils. Additionally, soybean yields were not significantly different in the cover crop and control plots.

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