Long-Term, Non-Anthropogenic Groundwater Storage Changes Simulated by Three Global-Scale Hydrological Models


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 18-10-2019 16:36

Li et al. 2019_Long-Term Non-Anthropogenic Groundwater Storage Changes Simulated by Three Global-Scale Hydrological Models.pdf

Li, B., Rodell, M., Sheffield, J., Wood, E., Sutanudjaja, E. 2019. Long-Term, Non-Anthropogenic Groundwater Storage Changes Simulated by Three Global-Scale Hydrological Models. Nature, Scientific Reports. 9, Number 10746.

GIS, Groundwater, Hydrology, Model, Retention, Water supply, Variability

This study aimed to quantify the long-term, natural variability of groundwater storage worldwide by running three global hydrological models, each with three >50-year meteorological datasets. The results indicate that non-anthropogenic variability in groundwater storage capacity is measurable and substantial, and must therefore be accounted for when attempting to estimate human impacts.

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