Quantifying the Benefits of Urban Forest Systems as a Component of the Green Infrastructure Stormwater Treatment Network


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 18-10-2019 16:32

Kuehler et al. 2016_Quantifying the Benefits of Urban Forest Systems as a Component of the Green Infrastructure Stormwater Treatment Network.pdf

Kuehler, E., Hathaway, J., Tirpak, A. 2016. Quantifying the Benefits of Urban Forest Systems as a Component of the Green Infrastructure Stormwater Treatment Network. Ecohydrology. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Number 10.

Green infrastructure, Literature review, Management, Stormwater, Trees, Urban, Urban trees, Vegetation, Water quality, Credits

This literature review describes the relationship between urban trees and stormwater management. The paper aims to identify research needs for the quantification of urban tree benefits and to provide a basis for crediting urban trees in stormwater design plans.

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