Effective and Efficient Roadside Ditch Cleaning Using BMPs for Erosion and Sediment Control


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 18-10-2019 13:24

Elzarka et al. 2017_Effective and Efficient Roadside Ditch Cleaning Using BMPs for Erosion and Sediment Control.pdf

Elzarka, H., Gao, C., Matos, J., Buchberger, S., Chakraborty, D. 2017. Effective and Efficient Roadside Ditch Cleaning Using BMPs for Erosion and Sediment Control.

Erosion, Maintenance, Management, Sediment, Roads, Erosion and sediment control, Ditches

This research report was prepared for the Ohio Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) Office of Statewide Planning & Research. The researchers evaluated the current protocols for roadside ditch cleaning followed by ODOT’s maintenance workers, and they conducted field tests to compare alternatives to current procedures.

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