Field Guide for Maintaining Rural Roadside Ditches: Protecting Lakes and Streams through Proper Ditch Maintenance


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 18-10-2019 13:21

Fortin Consulting et al. 2014_Field Guide for Maintaining Rural Roadside Ditches - Protecting Lakes and Streams through Proper Ditch Maintenance.pdf

Fortin Consulting, Inc., University of Minnesota Sea Grant Program, Natural Resources Research Institute. 2014. Field Guide for Maintaining Rural Roadside Ditches: Protecting Lakes and Streams through Proper Ditch Maintenance.

Maintenance, Management, Sediment, Water quality, Ditches

Funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Program and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, this field guide provides guidance on the maintenance of upland roadside ditches in rural areas of Minnesota, focusing on reducing sediment and pollutant loads to waterways. The guide covers both routine and non-routine maintenance of stormwater-runoff-carrying upland ditches.

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