How to Estimate Future Land Cover in a Watershed (The Leaf-Out Analysis)


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 26-05-2019 18:30

Cappiella et al._2006_How to Estimate Future Land Cover in a Watershed (The Leaf-Out Analysis)_USDA Forest Service.pdf

Cappiella, K. A., Schueler, T., Wright, T. 2006. How to Estimate Future Land Cover in a Watershed (The Leaf-Out Analysis). U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Newton Square, PA. Forests, Management, Planning, Watershed, Land cover, Land use This document describes the process for using the Leaf-Out Analysis spreadsheet (a tool that can be used to estimate future forest cover in your watershed under buildout conditions–i.e., maximum development allowable under zoning). The results are useful for predicting the future health of streams, setting quantitative goals for forest cover, and developing recommendations for watershed protection.

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