Potential Toxicity of Complex Mixtures in Surface Waters from a Nationwide Survey of United States Streams: Identifying in Vitro Bioactivities and Causative Chemicals


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 26-05-2019 17:50

Blackwell et al.pdf

Blackwell, B. R., Ankley, G. T., Bradley, P. M., Houck, K. A., Makarov, S. S., Medvedev, A. V. 2019. Potential Toxicity of Complex Mixtures in Surface Waters from a Nationwide Survey of United States Streams: Identifying in Vitro Bioactivities and Causative Chemicals. Environmental Science & Technology. ACS Publications, Washington, DC. 53, 973-983

Assessment, Monitoring, Streams, Surface water, Wastewater, Water quality, Methods, Biology

Bioactivity-based assessments (using in vitro methods) can be used to detect biological effects when monitoring an environment. This study screened surface water samples from streams across the United states for bioactivities associated with nearly 70 different end points using two high-throughput screening (HTS) assays.

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