Severe Coal Tar Sealcoat Runoff Toxicity to Fish Is Prevented by Bioretention Filtration


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 02-02-2017 21:15


McIntyre, J., Edmunds, R., Anulacion, B., Davis, J., Incardona, J., Stark, J. 2016. Severe Coal Tar Sealcoat Runoff Toxicity to Fish Is Prevented by Bioretention Filtration. Environmental Science and Technology. Volume 50, Number 3. Pages 1570-1578

biological, urban, Stormwater, Fish, Filter, Bioretention, PAHs, Toxicity, asphalt

This study assessed the impacts of stormwater runoff from sealcoated asphalt on juvenile coho salmon and embryo-larval zebrafish. The researchers additionally evaluated the effectiveness of bioretention to remove PAHs and reduce lethal and sublethal toxicity in both species.

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