Evaluating Bioretention Hydrology and Nutrient Removal at Three Field Sites in North Carolina


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Version: 1.0.1

Last Updated: 23-03-2016 17:50

Hunt, W., Jarrett, A., Smith, J., Sharkey, L. 2006. Evaluating Bioretention Hydrology and Nutrient Removal at Three Field Sites in North Carolina. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. ASCE, North Carolina. Pages 600-608.
BMP, hydrology, nutrients, water quality, Stormwater
Three bioretention sites in North Carolina had high nutrient and metal mass removal due to volume reductions. Nitrate-nitrogen mass removal rates varied from 75 to 13% at one cell and 40% from two conventionally drained cells. Bioretention fill soil media should have low P-index for higher phosphorus removal.

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