Integrating Stormwater Controls Designed for Channel Protection, Water Quality, and Inflow/ Infiltration Mitigation in Two Pilot Watersheds to Restore a More Natural Flow Regime in Urban Streams


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Version: 1.0.1

Last Updated: 14-02-2017 20:33

Hawley, R., Wooten, M., Vatter, B., Onderak, E., Lachniet, M., Schade, T., Grant, G., Groh, B., DelVerne, J. 2012. Integrating Stormwater Controls Designed for Channel Protection, Water Quality, and Inflow/ Infiltration Mitigation in Two Pilot Watersheds to Restore a More Natural Flow Regime in Urban Streams. Watershed Science Bulletin. Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD. Volume 3, Number 1. Pages 25-37
erosion and sediment control, stream, urban, Stormwater, Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSOs)
This article discusses a project that took a more holistic approach to SSO mitigation, and added goals of water quality and channel protection to two otherwise routine I/I projects.

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