Recommendations on the Use of Ecosystem Modeling for Informing Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management and Restoration Outcomes in the Gulf of Mexico


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Owner: CWPIntern

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Last Updated: 05-01-2023 12:32

Gruss et al. 2017_Recommendations on the Use of Ecosystem Modeling for Informing Ecosystem-Based FIsheries Management and Restoration Outcomes in the Gulf of Mexico.pdf

Gruss, A., Rose, K. A., Simons, J., Ainsworth, C. H., Babcock, E. A., Chagaris, D. D.. 2017. Recommendations on the Use of Ecosystem Modeling for Informing Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management and Restoration Outcomes in the Gulf of Mexico: Marine and Coastal Fisheries. American Fisheries Society, . 9, 1. 281-295

Analysis, Ecosystem, Fish, Management, Modeling, Planning, Restoration, Watershed, Decision-making, Ecological services, Fisheries

This article proposes and describes eight best practices for the use of modeling to inform decision-makers in ecosystem management.