Proposing a Low-Tech, Affordable, Accurate Stream Stage Monitoring System


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 09-03-2020 20:11

Royem et al. 2012_Proposing a Low-Tech Affordable Accurate Stream Stage Monitoring System.pdf

Royem, A. A., Mui, C. K., Fuka, D. R., Walter, M. T. 2012. Proposing a Low-Tech, Affordable, Accurate Stream Stage Monitoring System. Transactions of the ASABE. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Number 55, 6.

Assessment, Hydrology, Monitoring, Streams, Streamflow, Mapping

This paper presents a detailed description and assessment of the effectiveness of a novel tool for stream stage monitoring that uses a digital camera to create a time series of images. The article describes the next steps for developing an online post-processing system to make this low-cost monitoring tool more useful to a variety of stakeholders.

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