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Owner: Chris Swann
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 05-03-2020 21:20
Passeri, D. L., Hagen, S. C., Plant, N. G., Bilskie, M. V., Medeiros, S. C., Alizad, K. 2016. Tidal Hydrodynamics under Future Sea Level Rise and Coastal Morphology in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Earth’s Future. AGU Publications. Number 4. 159-176
Analysis, Climate change, Coastal, Estuary, Hydrology, Modeling, Sea level, Sea level rise, Tidal, Climate
This study evaluated the relationship between sea level rise and projections of coastal morphology on the tidal hydrodynamics of the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico (U.S.) using a large-domain model of hydrodynamics.