An Assessment of Chemical Contaminants in the Marine Sediments of Southwest Puerto Rico


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 05-03-2020 21:13

Pait et al. 2007_An Assessment of Chemical Contaminants in the Marine Sediments of Southwest Puerto Rico.pdf

Pait, A. S., Whitall, D. R., Jeffrey, C.F.G, Caldow, C., Mason, A. L., Christensen, J. D. 2007. An Assessment of Chemical Contaminants in the Marine Sediments of Southwest Puerto Rico. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 52. NOAA Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment.

Analysis, Coastal, Coral reef, Sediment, Water quality, Field assessment, Aquatic community, Wildlife, Aquatic ecosystems, Sampling, Species richness

This report describes a study that characterized sediment-borne chemical contaminants present in southwestern Puerto Rico. Over 120 chemical contaminants were analyzed in sediment samples taken as a part of this study. The report also contains a preliminary analysis of the impacts of these chemical contaminants on the richness of coral reef species.

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