Integrated Conceptual Ecosystem Model Development for the Southeast Florida Coastal Marine Ecosystem


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 28-02-2020 18:36

Nuttle & Fletcher 2013_Integrated Conceptual Ecosystem Model Development for the Southeast Florida Coastal Marine Ecosystem.pdf

Nuttle, W. K., Fletcher, P. J. 2013. Integrated Conceptual Ecosystem Model Development for the Southeast Florida Coastal Marine Ecosystem. NOAA Technical Memorandum OAR-AOML-103 and NOS-NCCOS-163. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Miami, FL.

Analysis, Coastal, Ecosystem, Modeling, Diversity

This report describes the development of NOAA’s Marine and Estuarine Goal Setting (MARES) project, which aims to define the characteristics and fundamental regulations of a coastal marine ecosystem (specifically in southern Florida) that is sustainable and provides diverse ecosystem services. It also describes the development of Integrated Conceptual Ecosystem Models (ICEMs) and Quantitative Ecosystem Indicators (QEIs) for the region.

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