Estimated Groundwater Recharge from a Water-Budget Model Incorporating Selected Climate Projections, Island of Maui, Hawaii


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 05-12-2019 19:51

Mair et al. 2019_Estimated Groundwater Recharge from a Water-Budget Model Incorporating Selected Climate Projections Island of Maui HI.pdf

Mair, A., Johnson, A. G., Rotzoll, K., Oki, D. S. 2019. Estimated Groundwater Recharge from a Water-Budget Model Incorporating Selected Climate Projections, Island of Maui, Hawaii. Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5064. U.S. Geological Survey.

Analysis, Climate change, Coastal, Fresh water, Groundwater, Modeling, Climate, Water supply, Water balance model

This study used a water-budget model to estimate the spatial distribution of groundwater recharge on the Island of Maui under three climate scenarios.

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