Groundwater/Surface-Water Interactions along Ellerbe Creek in Durham, North Carolina, 2016-18


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 27-11-2019 18:30

Antolino 2018_Groundwater-Surface-water Interactions along Ellerbe Creek in Durham NC 2016-18.pdf

Antolino, D. J. 2019. Groundwater/Surface-Water Interactions along Ellerbe Creek in Durham, North Carolina, 2016-18. Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5097. U.S. Geological Survey.

Analysis, Baseflow, Groundwater, Hydrology, Monitoring, Streams, Streamflow, Surface water, Water quality, Methods, Hydraulics

This study monitored streamflow, temperature, and water quality paramaters in a reach of Ellerbe Creek (NC, U.S.) in order to characterize the interactions between groundwater and surface water in similar Piedmont streams.

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