Fine-Scale Spatial Variation in Ice Cover and Surface Temperature Trends across the Surface of the Laurentian Great Lakes


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 27-11-2019 18:14

Mason et al. 2016_Fine-Scale Spatial Variation in Ice Cover and Surface Temperature Trends Across the Surface of the Laurentian Great Lakes.pdf

Mason, L. A., Riseng, C. M., Gronewold, A. D., Rutherford, E. S., Wang, J., Clites, A. 2016. Fine-Scale Spatial Variation in Ice Cover and Surface Temperature Trends across the Surface of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Climate Change. Springer Science+Business Media. 138. 71-83

Analysis, Climate change, Fresh water, GIS, Lakes, Surface water, Climate, Temperature, Mapping

This study compares trends in decreasing ice cover and increasing water temperatures in the Laurentian Great Lakes (U.S.) at three spatial scales in order to evaluate the spatial variation in the temperature of this system. Spatial patterns were analyzed using 40 years of ice cover duration data and nearly 25 years of surface water temperature data.

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