What It Is to Be Established: Policy and Management Implications for Non-Native and Invasive Species


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Owner: Chris Swann

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Last Updated: 08-11-2019 18:02

Kocovsky et al. 2018_What It Is To Be Established - Policy and Management Implications for Non-Native and Invasive Species.pdf

Kocovsky, P. M., Sturtevant, R., Schardt, J. 2018. What It Is to Be Established: Policy and Management Implications for Non-Native and Invasive Species. Management of Biological Invasions. 9, 3. 177-185

Analysis, Invasive vegetation, Invasive wildlife, Management, Planning, Wildlife, Establishment

This study evaluates the use of the term ”established” in respect to invasive species management. The paper aims to bridge the gap between conceptual development and applied management, and it discusses how existing conceptual models can be improved to define management actions more precisely.

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