Literature Review and Synthesis of Land-Based Sources of Pollution Affecting Essential Fish Habitats in Southeast Florida


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 08-11-2019 17:09

Gregg 2013_Literature Review and Synthesis of Land-Based Sources of Pollution Affecting Essential Fish Habitats in Southeast Florida.pdf

Gregg, K. 2013. Literature Review and Synthesis of Land-Based Sources of Pollution Affecting Essential Fish Habitats in Southeast Florida. NOAA Fisheries Southeast Region, Habitat Conservation Division, West Palm Beach, FL.

Coastal, Estuary, Fish, Habitat, Literature review, Water quality, Meta-analysis, Sources, Aquatic community, Wildlife, Aquatic ecosystems, Fisheries

This report includes a review and synthesis of over 140 publications on the effects of land-based sources of pollution (LBSP) on the estuarine and marine habitats of southeast Florida (U.S.). The report identifies the primary pollutants in these areas and describes their mechanisms for ecosystem introduction.

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