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Owner: Chris Swann
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 04-11-2019 19:47
Davidson, A. D., Fusaro, A. J., Sturtevant, R. A., Rutherford, E. S., Kashian, D. R. 2017. Development of a Risk Assessment Framework to Predict Invasive Species Establishment for Multiple Taxonomic Groups and Vectors of Introduction. Management of Biological Invasions. 8, 1. 25-36
Fresh water, Invasive wildlife, Lakes, Modeling, Aquatic community, Biodiversity, Wildlife, Aquatic ecosystems, Biology, Establishment
This paper describes the creation of a model framework for the assessment of introduction, establishment, and impact of invasive aquatic species. The model was applied to a case study of the Laurentian Great Lakes (U.S.), and over 65 ”watchlist” species were analyzed.