Verrucomicrobia are Prevalent in North-Temperate Freshwater Lakes and Display Class-Level Preferences between Lake Habitats


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 04-11-2019 18:33

Chiang et al. 2018_Verrucomicrobia Are Prevalent in North-Temperate Freshwater Lakes and Display Class-Level Preferences Between Lake Habitats.pdf

Chiang, E., Schmidt, M. L., Berry, M. A., Biddanda, B. A., Burtner, A., Johengen, T. H. 2018. Verrucomicrobia are Prevalent in North-Temperate Freshwater Lakes and Display Class-Level Preferences between Lake Habitats. PLoS ONE. 13, 3.

Analysis, Bacteria, Fresh water, Habitat, Lakes, Water quality, Aquatic community, Microbes, Aquatic ecosystems, Sampling

This study sampled the surface and bottom of 12 inland lakes within the Lake Michigan system (U.S.) in order to describe the distribution and habitat preferences of Verrucomicrobia bacteria.

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