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Owner: Chris Swann
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 31-10-2019 18:03
Bode, R. W., Novak, M. A., Abele, L. E., Heitzman, D. L., Smith, A. J. 2005. Monhagen Brook Biological Assessment, 2004 Survey. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, NY.
Macro-invertebrates, Nutrients, Runoff, Streams, Urban, Water quality, Field assessment, Aquatic community, Benthic, Wildlife, Aquatic ecosystems, Biology
This report presents the results of a biomonitoring effort of Monhagen Brook in Orange County, New York (U.S.) in July 2004. The sampling was intended to evaluate the water quality of the stream in comparison with previous sampling data. The study also aimed to evaluate the condition of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the stream.