Review of the Available Literature and Data on the Runoff and Pollutant Removal Capabilities of Urban Trees


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.1

Last Updated: 28-12-2017 16:08

Literature Review.pdf

Center for Watershed Protection. 2017. Review of the Available Literature and Data on the Runoff and Pollutant Removal Capabilities of Urban Trees. Crediting Framework Product #1 for the project Making Urban Trees Count: A Project to Demonstrate the Role of Urban Trees in Achieving Regulatory Compliance for Clean Water. Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD. The Center for Watershed Protection reviewed a total of 159 publications to evaluate two research questions: 1) What is the effectiveness of urban tree planting on reducing runoff, nutrient and sediment? 2) How does effectiveness vary by species, over time, with differences in planting sites (e.g., distance from impervious cover or other trees, soil conditions, geographic location) and with different maintenance strategies? This report summarizes the results of the literature review.The Center for Watershed Protection reviewed a total of 159 publications to evaluate two research questions: 1) What is the effectiveness of urban tree planting on reducing runoff, nutrient and sediment? 2) How does effectiveness vary by species, over time, with differences in planting sites (e.g., distance from impervious cover or other trees, soil conditions, geographic location) and with different maintenance strategies? This report summarizes the results of the literature review.

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