Regional-Scale Associations between Indicators of Biological Integrity and Indicators of Streamflow Modification


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 27-11-2019 18:37

Carlisle et al. 2019_Regional-Scale Associations between Indicators of Biological Integrity and Indicators of Streamflow Modification.pdf

Carlisle, D. M., Grantham, T. E., Eng, K., Wolock, D. M. 2019. Regional-Scale Associations between Indicators of Biological Integrity and Indicators of Streamflow Modification. Open-File Report 2019-1088. U.S. Geological Survey.

Analysis, Hydrology, Monitoring, Streams, Streamflow, Water quality, Watershed, Aquatic community, Biology

This study analyzed monitoring data from over 800 streams and rivers across the United States in order to characterize the relationship between indicators of biological health and indicators of streamflow modification.

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