Can Urban Tree Roots Improve Infiltration through Compacted Subsoils for Stormwater Management?


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Version: 1.0.1

Last Updated: 23-03-2016 17:43

Bartens, J., Day, S., Harris, J.R., Dove, J., Wynn, T. 2008. Can Urban Tree Roots Improve Infiltration through Compacted Subsoils for Stormwater Management? Journal of Environmental Qualitiy. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. Volume 37, Issue 6. Pages 2048-2057
Management, runoff, urban, Trees
This study examined whether tree roots can penetrate compacted subsoils and increase infiltration rates in the context of an infiltration BMP that uses structural soils and includes large canopy trees. The study found that tree roots increased soil infiltration rates by an average of 63%, and as much as 153%, over unplanted controls.

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