Source Area and Regional Storm Water Treatment Practices: Options for Achieving Phase II Retrofit Requirements in Wisconsin


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Version: 1.0.1

Last Updated: 22-03-2016 19:48

Bannerman, R, Fries, G, Horwatich, J. 2003. Source Area and Regional Storm Water Treatment Practices: Options for Achieving Phase II Retrofit Requirements in Wisconsin. Proceedings of the National Conference on Urban Stormwater – Enhancing Programs at the Local Level, Chicago, IL. U.S. EPA, Cincinatti, OH. Pages 12-19.
BMP, costs, Model, sediment, source area
The Source Loading and Management Model (SLAMM) was used to compare the cost-effectiveness of using source area and regional stormwater treatment practices for the urbanized Lake Wingra watershed in Madison, Wisconsin. The goal is to retrofit practices that are able to reduce the annual total suspended solids load by 40%.

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